Po Delta rice IGP

Coltivated from XV century, now there are four kind of rice (Carnaroli, Arborio, Volano and Baldo) in 9000 hectars.

Carnaroli rice is large used inside risotto with other typical Fessara products.

IGP brand recived in 2009


ARISTA: is the whisker of the rice grain (it is called this when it has just been harvested and has not yet undergone any kind of processing), it is removed during the processing of the grain.
GLUMELLE: the freshly harvested grain of rice is covered with a multi-layered, brown or yellow casing, called glumelle. They could be defined as the first skin of the rice grain, the protection of the grain itself; they make up 20% of the total weight.
CARIOSSIDE: this is what we eat and what is left over from processing the rice (husking). Consisting mostly of starch, it accounts for around 60% of the total weight.
EMBRIONE: each grain carries an embryo, placed in a small sac called a spermoderm. The embryo will give birth (in seed rice) to a new rice plant and is therefore a very important part of the grain.

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