Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna

Chambers of Commerce in Italy, as outlined in Law No 580/1993 and subsequent amendments, are public bodies with functional autonomy that work for the benefit of local businesses, promoting economic development within their territorial jurisdiction. These chambers are autonomous and independent, with their own statutes and financial management. The Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna was established on 5 April 2023, the result of the merger between the chambers of Ravenna and Ferrara. Its function is to simplify administration, innovate and improve the quality of services to effectively meet the needs of businesses. The current programme focuses on key objectives such as the internationalisation of businesses, innovation, technology transfer, the valorisation of local products and the strengthening of infrastructure. The traditional functions of the chamber include regulation, administration (such as the business registry), and promotion of local economic development. It also carries out analysis and monitoring activities through the Economic Observatory, created in 2006, to better understand the socio-economic situation in the region. The Chamber also regulates the market to ensure transparency and fairness in economic relations, using tools such as mediation, conciliation, arbitration and consumer protection. In cooperation with local authorities and associations, the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna combats counterfeiting and commercial abuse, promoting a culture of conscious consumption. It works closely with other institutions to integrate marketing strategies and enhance the province's image both in Italy and abroad. Finally, the Chamber organises targeted training for economic operators and a series of events to support entrepreneurial initiative and professional, cultural and ethical values.